Our Pakistan


Well, I was capturing what everyone was painting on the wall and something caught my eye. It was a competition for the youth which aimed at drawing anything on the wall that the participants felt most compassionate about.

This girl, was painting our flag and the whole experience of watching her gave me thoughts. It rushed to my mind that how blessed we are to have this motherland we call Pakistan. Regardless of how broken this country’s people might be, the fact that we do have a homeland is nothing short of a blessing.

Our ancestors fought hard for us to have an identity and now it’s our turn to show them that their hard work will not go in vain. It is our duty to ensure that no matter who we are and whatever mistakes we have made in the past, we shall not repeat those mistakes ever again.

This country is Allama Iqbal’s dream and Quaid-e-Azam’s biggest accomplishment. They sacrificed their present for our better future. We must raise our voice to bring an end to the injustice that happens in this country because our ancestors sacrificed all they could with the confidence that the coming generations will not let them down. Despite all the challenges that we face I remain optimistic that the best is yet to come and that the day is not far when we as a nation shall rise, never to fall again.