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These 12 Foods Containing iTFAs Are Killing You Slowly!
We all share our love for food and have our own versions of what comfort through food looks like.
But do you know our...
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Thanks To Trans-fats In Dietary Sources By 2045, 62 million Pakistanis Will Have Diabetes
Empirical evidence suggests that every third person in Pakistan is living with diabetes owing to unregulated consumption of trans-fats in major dietary sources. The...
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ٹرانس فیٹس کیا ہیں اور پاکستان میں اِن کی روک تھام کیوں ضروری ہے؟
سب سے پہلے ہمارے لیۓ یہ سمجھنا ضروری ہے کہ ٹرانس فیٹس کیا ہیں۔
ٹرانس فیٹی ایسڈ (ٹی۔ ایف۔ اے)، جن کو...
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What Are Trans Fats And Why Should Pakistan Regulate Them?
Hey Pakistan, let's talk about trans fats, shall we?
I know we all run from chemistry, but bare with me for just a few seconds,...
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5 Ways To Protect Yourself From The Ongoing Heatwave
Pakistan is currently going through a blistering heatwave. With reports from some cities already hitting 50C we all should be careful and protect ourselves...
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Pakistan Launches National Immunization Policy 2022 In The Aftermath Of The Pandemic
The Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, and the Federal Directorate of Immunization, Pakistan today commemorated the “World Immunization Week (WIW), 2022”...
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AKU Professor, Zulfiqar Bhutta Wins $100,000 Roux Prize For Contribution To Maternal, Foetal & Newborn Health
Aga Khan University's (AKU) professor, Zulfiqar Bhutta has won the 2021 Roux Prize, a US$100,000 award for turning evidence into health impact.
Read: No Mr...
Canadian Entrepreneurs Develop Sniffly – Order Recovery Program To Help COVID Patients Smell Again
Two Canadian entrepreneurs have developed Sniffly - a rehab program that helps COVID patients, especially the long-haulers regain their sense of smell. Losing the...