Proposing a girl can be one of the most tricky things ever. Still, there is no point just wondering and therefore, here is a look at 3 things that you must do before proposing a girl!
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1. Know Her World View
It is always a good idea to get a little bit of insight about your love interest ideally, through friends and family or in other words people the person is close to. This will help you to understand what works for her and what doesn’t and thus, will allow you to evaluate better if you can keep her happy both in the short and the long run.
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You can’t keep a person happy if you really want them to change drastically once they are in a relationship with you. If that really is the case then frankly, try looking for someone else who is more compatible with you.
2. Make Sure You Are the Right Man for Her
Are you a little too old or young, rich or poor, thin or fat, too this or too that for her? Well! Even before they make a call, try figuring out yourself if you are really the right person and if she would really wants to be with you.
Still, don’t take offense if you thought you were the right person but she disagreed. After all it is her life and she has every right to decide whom she wants to marry and who she doesn’t want to.
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3. Get the Timing Right
Timing is extremely crucial here! The probability of things getting messed up is pretty high if you are a little too early or too late.
Therefore, try making the move when you are sure that the other person wants you to say so or when you are absolutely certain that her family is on the watch out for good proposals.
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