Have You Seen The Hilarious Memes People Made After The Infamous Facebook & Instagram Crash?

whatsaap, facebook and instagram crash

Generation Zers and Millennials survived a dark period on Thursday evening after multiple social media sites and apps were down for hours. 2019 so far doesn’t seem to be a good year for Instagram – with the multiple “crashes” it’s faced already. Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram crash created problems for users as posts (i.e. pictures and stories) refused to load no matter how many times you refreshed the apps!


With so many popular apps (we use for hours every day) not functioning, you might be asking yourself, what’s left?! 

Fortunately, people across the globe were able to take to Twitter – which hadn’t shut down –  and joked about the situation. Thank you Twitter!


Facebook and Instagram themselves turned to Twitter to issue an apology to their global users!

We are undoubtedly a generation codependent on social media so when something like this happens, people, quite frankly, don’t know what else to do with their time except sit still waiting for the bug to be fixed.

Peoples’ reaction to Thursday night’s Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram crash makes it safe for me to say that we should be aware of the borderline social media addiction that we have.

Such a trivial event shouldn’t have stirred up so much anxiety and attention – but it did. Simply because the internet and media has taken over our lives to the extent where a couple of hours without it causes so much unease.

Perhaps this was the universe’s way of indirectly forcing us to put down our phones and be in the present, who knows!

Way too relatable…


Thankfully, the social media platforms are once again fully functioning and you can continue futilely scrolling through your feed on hours on end.