10 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You!

mahira fawad khan naveen 10 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You!

Relationships are tricky business. One moment everything seems to be hunky-dory and the next moment you might find yourself in love on your own with your partner’s affection taking a serious plunge. In such circumstances, it is only natural to question your partner’s commitment to the relationship and loyalty to you.

So, if you’re experiencing relationship blues and looking to understand if there are signs your partner is cheating on you, this post might help answer at least some of the questions plaguing your mind right now.

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While it can certainly not be determined for sure but if your partner is demonstrating most of the behaviour given below, there is a good chance that s/he might be disloyal.

They’re Being Secretive


People who cheat go at great lengths to cover their tracks and that often begins with hiding their cyber activity.

If your partner was previously chilled-out about his/her privacy – at least as far as you were concerned – and has suddenly started deleting his/her internet history, put a lock on the phone or changed passwords, you might have a reason to worry.

There’s a Sudden Change in Behaviour


When a person begins to cheat, his/her significant other is likely to observe sudden changes in their partner’s behaviour.

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Some people who cheat might begin to act agitated and withdrawn while others might go on an overdrive to act sweet.

Either ways, a sudden and stark change in behaviour is a red flag.

They Lose Interest in Shared Activities


There are often a number of shared interests between partners. These shared interests are often the reasons that had brought the two together in the first place.

However, if your partner seems to have lost interest in activities that you both used to enjoy as a couple in the past, it might be a sign of his/her waning interest in the relationship.

Longer Working Hours


Someone who’s cheating needs to take time out for the person s/he is cheating with. This means making excuses of long hours at work or commitments with “friends” that are unusual.

If your partner is increasingly coming up with reasons to stay away from home and there are times when s/he is unreachable without a solid explanation, it might be of value to ask questions and see if they can keep their story straight.

They’re Obsessed with Their Phone


In today’s digital age we all spend a significant time of our day on various gadgets.

However, if you find your partner excessively on his/her phone, smiling away while typing texts and constantly checking for new messages, it might signal trouble in paradise.

They Avoid Intimacy with You


Every relationship experiences a slump in intimacy as it matures; that’s normal. However, it is also equally normal for humans to crave intimacy and even during romantic slumps, people in healthy relationships do not lose their sense of companionship.

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So, if for weeks at an end, your partner avoids physical contact with you and seems to have lost romantic interest in you generally, it’s a huge sign that s/he might be fulfilling their romantic needs elsewhere.

They Dress Differently


It is one thing to make an effort to be physically fit and dress better but quite another when your partner begins to put in excessive effort to look attractive for occasions that do not merit such obsession.

For instance, if your partner is suddenly obsessing about the color of his/her shirt or the scent that they should wear when going out on a “walk,” or when they begin to take much longer than usual to dress-up for work, it might be a sign that they’re trying to woo someone else.

There is Unexplained Spending


Most couples, especially those that are married are aware about their partner’s spending patterns.

However, if you begin to experience changes in your partner’s spending habits or find him/her low on cash without a reasonable explanation, there’s a chance that there’s a third person between the two of you who might be responsible for your partner’s finances being suddenly so off.

Your Partner Accuses You of Infidelity


Very often when a person is cheating, they might begin blaming you for losing interest in them.

By doing so, they unconsciously hope to put you in a defensive situation so that you would not have the time or energy to observe and question the changes in their behaviour.

You Have a STD


The most obvious – and heart-breaking – sign of being cheated on is being diagnosed with a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) or infection (STI).

It is almost impossible to get a STD unless one of the two people in a relationship has multiple partners.

If you’re diagnosed with a STD or STI, it is extremely important to immediately confront your partner because his/her behaviour is directly putting your health and physical well-being at risk.