People Are Comparing Zara Naeem With Dananeer Mobeen, The Pawri Horahi Hai Girl & That’s Plain Dumb!

Zara Naeem Pawri Horahi Hai
Image Source: The Express Tribune

Pakistani Twitter users are busy comparing The “Pawri Horahi Hai” girl, Dananeer Mobeen with ACCA topper, Zara Naeem, which clearly shows our priorities as a nation aren’t straight!

It is worth mentioning here that Zara Naeem Dar, is a Pakistani student hailing from Lahore, who scored the highest marks amongst 527,000 students in the Financial Reporting Exam of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) that was held in December 2020.

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On the other hand, then, is a content creator from Peshawar who resides in Islamabad, i.e. Dananeer Mobeen (nickname Geena). She shot to fame after her video went viral in which she was seen vacationing in the northern areas of Pakistan. Till date, thousands of people across the globe have recreated their own versions of “Ye humari car hai. Aur ye hum hai. Aur ye humari pawri horahi hai” meme.

Also Read: 12 Best Recreations To Come Out Of The Viral ‘Pawri Horahi Hai’ Meme

Mobeen’s meteoric rise to fame has been quite unsettling for Twitter users. They are of the opinion that Naeem’s virality should have been as magnanimous as Dananeer’s!

“On the left is a girl who made a random video a couple of days ago and almost every Pakistani knows about her today. On the right, you see a girl who topped in ACCA exams globally. The international media talked about her but hardly any of us know about it,” criticized one user.

And many others joined in…

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Tbh, the comparison between Zara Naeem and Dananeer Mobeen, the Pawri horahi hai girl is completely absurd. These two girls are not the same; their achievements are completely different.

Memes are meant to go viral. ACCA exams cannot be recreated, now can they?

Do you think the comparison is valid? Let us know in the comments.