It was March just yesterday, and it’s March again already. People on the internet are having a hard time processing how it will be a year to the day coronavirus was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020, and how a global lockdown ensued as all of us retreated to our homes.
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The past one year of the pandemic has been devastating for the most part. It was a year marked with grief, loss, coping up with new protocols and the restrictions on the social interaction that made way for constrains on our emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. So much so that keeping track of the time has been one uphill task in the entire year.
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Now that the COVID-19 is about to complete its first trip around the Sun, netizens are sharing their too-close-to-home takes on the “how it’s March again” trend; all the while processing the catastrophic year.
Looking at the memes gives me hope that I’m not the only one feeling that way. Even though the year’s been emotionally draining and there’s a whole lotta processing to do, at least Twitter is there to provide some comic relief. Let’s have a look at some of the most on-point jokes to come out of the trend.