This Would You Rather Quiz Will Reveal The Season That Describes You Most

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Source: Seasons

This Fun Would You Rather Quiz Will Reveal The Season That Describes You Most.

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This Would You Rather Quiz Will Reveal The Season That Describes You Most
You got Summer.


You love to travel and enjoy the outdoors. You probably tend to be on the outgoing, extroverted side, and people likely describe you as upbeat, personable, and assertive.
You got Winter.


You tend to be a bit of an introverted homebody. Wearing a warm sweater and curling up on the couch with a hot beverage to escape the cold might sound like your idea of an ideal afternoon.
You got Autumn


The vibrant orange colors and cooler weather of autumn appeal to your constant desire for change.
You got Spring


You crave new experiences, and the spring season offers the chance of renewal that you need after a long, cold winter.

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