Meet the Narcissist (Part 2)

Narcissism is a personality disorder in which a person ends up falling in love with the projected false image of one’s self.

A number of prominent psychologists around the globe are of the view that narcissists respond to early injuries (hurt, abuse etc.) by discarding their true selves. Moreover, they replace their actual image with an extremely well developed alternate persona (or false image) that allows them to identify themselves as superior beings who are worthy of special treatment.

Narcissism is generally explained to be a personality disorder in which a person ends up falling in love with him or herself or to be more precise with the projected false image of one’s self. Deep down however, a narcissist feels like an outcast and finds a confession difficult. Furthermore, he/she works hard to hide the true wounded self from everyone around at what-ever cost possible!

Even though, you might feel sorry for a narcissist, there is little you can do to help without seeking appropriate advice from a certified psychologist. Additionally, despite the fact that the following symptoms can give you a fair idea of when you are dealing with someone who suffers from narcissism, it is important not to make a diagnosis without an intervention of a seasoned mental health professional.

1. Grandiose and Self Importance

Since narcissists are in love with themselves they just can’t help but exaggerate their achievements, talents and even belongings. They have in them the desire to be recognized as superior and thus, whether or not they have the credentials they go out of way to project themselves as individuals who belong to an extraordinary league.

If you are dealing with one, a little flattery will do for sure!

2. Lack of Empathy and Exploitative Behavior

A typical narcissist lacks empathy and is almost never willing to recognize the basic feelings and needs of others around him/her.
You are better off keeping your feelings to yourself just in case you are dealing with a person who suffers from this personality disorder because instead of understanding your situation they might as well take it as an ideal opportunity to ridicule you and make you feel worse!

It is also worth mentioning here that narcissists are quick to exploit and take advantage of others for their own benefits. Therefore, you become an easy prey once you open up and allow them to know you better.

3. Envy and Arrogance

A narcissist believes that people around him/her are envious and this particular feeling can lead towards a series of unwanted incidents both at the workplace and at home.

Moreover, they are generally arrogant and expect automatic compliance even when they do not hold a position of authority. Therefore, even a polite query can sound as an effort to resist their orders which can result in them behaving in a manner which is inappropriate.

Always remember no one has the right to snub or hurt you only because it makes them feel good. Still, even if you really want to help a narcissist don’t try doing it alone and don’t be afraid to seek a psychologist’s help or support from friends and family.

Finally, never forget that a narcissist has the potential of physically or emotionally hurting you. Therefore, the option of seeking legal advice too should not be ruled out at any given point in time.