COVID-19: These Indian Husbands Went To Bangkok Without Telling Their Wives & Then This Happened!

indian husbands bangkok
Via Twitter @abhbasak

India has been put under a lockdown amid the coronavirus outbreak but these husbands went to Bangkok without even telling their wives.

The question one would ask here is that how irresponsible and dumb should one be to think that they will get away with something like this?

The story appeared after pictures of Indian police visiting a neighborhood went viral.

Indian police pasted details on the gate at one of the houses in order for the wives to know that their husbands actually went to Bangkok to enjoy instead of going to Bengaluru for business.


Here is what we know from the viral pictures:

The wives are certainly not happy!

This is quite obvious. Forget the pandemic, forget the risk of being infected. The wives didn’t like the fact that their husbands went on a foreign trip and that too to Bangkok. No one likes being lied to or cheated.

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The husbands are in trouble they can’t get out of.

The husbands got themselves into multiple situations which they won’t be getting out of any sooner. Their wives are obviously unhappy and enraged. They have to be in quarantine for at least two weeks. They won’t be making any trips in the coming future!

Internet had a fun day!

As bad as it seems, social media users had a go at the husbands and passed unpleasant comments while joking about the incident. Well, served them well for being dishonest and irresponsible.

COVID-19 isn’t a joke!

Amid this lockdown, staying at home is very difficult for most of the people. The lock-down is depressing by all means but this doesn’t mean that people should go around risking their and everyone else’s lives. Staying at home is advised because this is so far the only cure and prevention from the deadly virus. It’s best that we put our fantasies aside till the virus has completely vanished.

What do you think of these Indian husbands going to Bangkok risking the lives of many? Share your thoughts in the comments below!