5 Ways To Survive Quarantine With Your Spouse

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Covid-19 has been a nuisance by all means. And with health and other risks aside this is a very stressful situation for the couples in quarantine. Being confined in a small space in most of the cases, the pandemic is certainly testing the patience and tolerance of many.

Well, here are 5 ways that should help you survive quarantine with your spouse!

1. Help Around!

This one especially goes to the men. Get off the damned sofa and help around with chores. You don’t have to take over the kitchen but at least help with dishes, dusting or anything that takes some burden off your wife’s shoulders. Remember, you are in this together!

help around
Source: Gulf News

2. Be kind and respectful!

Quarantine is affecting the working couples the most as they would do anything to be in a proper working environment. Try to understand each other’s frustration and irritation of being constantly indoors. Quarantine isn’t a choice anyone made to be in. So, show kindness and respect towards your spouse at all times.


3. Make it fun

Instead of sulking in a corner, add fun activities to your daily quarantine routine. Play board games, watch movies together, explore new music, learn DIY for home décor etc. Try to enjoy all the extra time you have in quarantine.

Kubra Khan
Source: The Express Tribune

Also Read: 10 Tutorials That Can Help You Learn New Life Skills While In Quarantine

4. Give space to your spouse

This is something that desi couples often don’t understand. Give your spouse some time to him/herself every day. Let them have their “Me Time” to vent and shake off the stress.

5. Be their strength

The Covid-19 pandemic and the prolonged quarantine is also creating a lot of despair. During these troubled times be each other’s strength. Keep reminding your spouse that this too shall pass and good days are right around the corner!

hira mani adnan siddiqui
Source: Gulf News

What are some of the ways that are helping you survive quarantine with your spouse? Share them in the comments below!