This yummy quiz will unleash your true super power, all you have to do is pick your favorite orders from McDonald’s.
Pick a breakfast.
Pick a burger.
Pick another burger.
Pick a burger for your friend.
Pick a shake.
Pick a dessert.
Pick a drink.
Your Order From McDonald’s Will Unleash Your True Super Power
Mind reading
It may appear intrusive but you can't help but be curious about what's going on in someone's head! Be careful with your ability and don't peek into other people's minds without their consent!
Invisibility would be your ultimate superpower. You're fantastic at hide and seek. There is no chance of you losing at all!
You're confident, perhaps a little too confident – and you sometimes feel unstoppable. That is why immortality would be your superpower. You might just find a way to live on forever.
Take Quiz: Pick Your Favorite Snacks And We’ll Reveal The Worst Thing About You