WhatsApp has now launched its own status feature to keep users updated on its privacy policy and future updates. To combat the misinformation that followed after WhatsApp announced its privacy updates, the messaging app has put up four part status that can be viewed by the users.
Read more: Hilarious #WhatsAppheadquarters Memes Trend On Twitter As Privacy Concerns Storm The Internet
The messenger app will now use this feature to share information about the latest changes to the app and every upcoming update.
The status can surprisingly be viewed by everyone without even saving WhatsApp’s number and there is no option to mute the updates either.
The status update says:
“WhatsApp is now on Status!” “We’ll let you know about new features and updates here.”
Once WhatsApp announced its privacy update, thousands of users across the globe expressed their annoyance over the privacy breach and many of them even switched to the rival messaging apps, Signal and Telegram. WhatsApp in order to redeem itself has reminded the users of how it is committed to users’ privacy like always.
Read more: Users Plan To Switch To Telegram As WhatsApp Introduces New Privacy Policy
The company even informed users how its messaging is end-to-end encrypted and how it cannot listen to their private conversations.
WhatsApp said it will keep sending users more updates via status.
Social media users however had the most hilarious reactions to this new feature.
This was most of us today!
Ummm, exactly!
Quite literally gave me a panic attack.
Oh the irony!
Ha Ha 😂
Is this privacy or is this privacy? Share your thoughts in comments.