True Or False Quiz: How Many Of These Pakistani Achievements Can You Get Right?

Pakistani Achievements Quiz
Source: Global Village Space, The Express Tribune, Airline Ratings, Pinterest

This true or false quiz will reveal how well do you know Pakistan, all you have to do is get these Pakistani achievements right.

True or False? 1992: Pakistan wins Cricket World Cup, defeating England by 22 runs in Melbourne, Australia.

Pakistan World Cup 1992, Waqar Younis 92 World Cup
Correct! Wrong!

True or False? 1991: Jahangir Khan creates history by winning British Open Squash title for the record tenth consecutive time.

Jahangir Khan
Correct! Wrong!

True or False? 1965: Pakistan launches its first weather rocket.

Vega Rocket
Correct! Wrong!

True or False? 1955: Pakistan International Airlines comes into being.

Pakistan Airlines
Correct! Wrong!

True or False? 1982: Benazir Bhutto is sworn in as Pakistan’s first woman Prime Minister.

benazir bhutto
Correct! Wrong!

True or False? 2018: Pakistani doctors performed first-ever mechanical heart transplant.

Pakistani doctor heart transplant
Correct! Wrong!

True or False? 1990: Pakistan becomes 37th country to send expedition to Antarctica.

Antarctic Penguins
Correct! Wrong!

True or False? 2001: Construction on the first phase of Gwadar Port begins.

Gwadar Port
Correct! Wrong!

True or False? 2009: The JF 17 Thunder becomes the first ever multi role state of the art fighter aircraft.

Pakistani JF17 Thunder Jet
Correct! Wrong!

True or False? 1989: Dr. Abdus Salam, eminent Pakistani scientist, is awarded Physics Nobel Prize.

Abdus Salam
Correct! Wrong!

True Or False Quiz: How Many Of These Pakistani Achievements Can You Get Right?
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You did pretty well but not perfectly. You have some little gaps in your Pakistani knowledge. It's time to do some research on the amazing country of Pakistan.


Woohoo! You have proven that you are a true patriot. You have a thorough knowledge of Pakistan's accomplishments. Shabash!

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