Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Fawad Chaudhry alongside PTI member, Farrukh Habib held a press briefing for Digital Media publishers at Pakistan-China Friendship Center on 12th August.
It was a meeting held in collaboration with the Digital Media Wing, which is a strategic unit of the Government of Pakistan to effectively counter the fake/libelous news.
Digital media journalists, independent YouTubers, and web content creators for different digital publications were present at the event.
Information Minster interacted with the lot for roughly 30 minutes where he updated them about the latest happenings in the digital sector of Pakistan. Moreover, he walked them through the process of how the government is putting out policies to curtail the dissemination of fake news from Indian and Afghan elements.
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Fawad Chaudhry stressed upon the newly released Digital Media Wing report, saying that it highlights Pakistan’s fight against the 5th generation war and the way country is tackling it.
Speaking about the 5th gen warfare, he touched upon how there’s a behemoth influx of information on the internet and how regulating that is a challenge for the government. Adding to that, he asked the digital media publishers to help the government in curtailing the spread of misinformation and fake news. He further asked the web content creators to be responsible and differentiate between real and fake news, to fact check before putting out a piece of content.
After giving a short briefing, he opened the floor for questions, where he answered four to five questions and then left for another meeting. He left behind Farrukh Habib to respond to the rest of the queries.
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