Indian President, Ram Nath Kovind unveiled a portrait of renowned freedom fighter Subhas Chandra Bose to commemorate his 125th birth anniversary celebrations, but netizens chimed in saying that the picture was that of Prosenjit Chatterjee, the actor who played Bose’s character in Bengali film “Gumnaami,” directed by Srijit Mukherjee.
Kovind’s official Twitter handle also posted images from the event.
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Every act on social media is carefully monitored and slip ups like these are not easily spared. Similarly, Indian twitter users could not fathom the gravity of this error, and took every chance to shun it.
Social media users took to the microblogging site to make claims that the image unveiled at the official residence of the Indian President were of Prosenjit Chatterjee and not that of Subhas Chandra Bose.
Since the portrait was based on his original photo, there are high chances that the two got mixed up. But netizens being netizens are just plain ruthless with their critique.
They even asked Kovind to rectify his mistake and delete the tweet altogether.
While others are busy predicting some future goof-ups!
Indian Journalist Barkha Dutt and Congress leader Mahua Moitra also tweeted expressing their displeasure over the mix-up, but their tweets have now been deleted.
To make the matter clear, some have even directly addressed the actor to ask if that’s actually him in the picture.
Latest Update
According to an Indian News platform, the central government in India has refuted all the allegations and has termed the debate as ‘fake.’ They explained that the portrait is based on an original photo of the freedom fighter, hence the whole debate is pointless. However, the President himself hasn’t made any clarifications as yet, so the confusion still remains.
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