Maryam Mujtaba – The First Female Commercial Pilot From AJK Is An Inspiration For Young Girls

Maryam Mujtaba pilot
Image Source: Daily Pakistan

Hailing from Muzaffarabad in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Maryam Mujtaba has become the first female commercial pilot of the region.

Mujtaba had always been interested in flying planes and it was her passion to be a part of the aviation industry.

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AJK President, Sardar Masood Khan acknowledged her efforts for pursuing a challenging field and breaking the glass ceilings in a male-dominated field. He termed her as a role model for young girls as she has set an example for them to come forward and pursue these demanding roles.

The President even invited Maryam and her spouse, Mujtaba Rathore Aga, deputy superintendent of the AJK police at Aiwan-e-Sadr to congratulate her on this feat.

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Mujtaba’s journey to the skies started in 2011 when she joined Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) as a cadet pilot. After that, she trained from various academies in both Rawalpindi and the US.

Following the completion of her required flying hours, PIA has promoted her as a first officer. She currently flies the PIA Airbus A-320 aircraft, which travels across multiple countries in the world.

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Given her exceptional credentials and expertise, Mujtaba has been appointed as a brand ambassador of the Pakistan army running telecom network in AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan.

Maryam encourages women to see beyond the stereotypes and do not let those restrictions weigh them down.

Do you find Maryam Mujtaba – the first female pilot from AJK inspirational? Let us know in the comments.