Leena Ghani VS A Classic Case Of Toxic Masculinity, Exhibitionism, & Fragile Male Ego

Leena Ghani
Image Source: Twitter

Last night make-up artist and activist, Leena Ghani, who was one of the 4 women to accuse Ali Zafar of harassment, took to Twitter to share a series of rather displeasing tweets.

Read: 4 Women Besides Meesha Shafi Who Accused Ali Zafar Of Sexual Harassment In 2018

The activist shared a horrific account of an encounter that she had with a random male stranger in Jami-Shireen Park in Lahore.

She narrated that how a group of men was ogling at Leena and her friends. Since this is a pretty common phenomenon for women in Pakistan and also that speaking up against it garners unwanted attention, the make-up artist chose to let it slide.

Read: 5 Major Behaya Things Men Do & Get Away With Them

However, this did not end there as one of the oglers ended up taking pictures of them. This is where Leena intervened and “asked him to leave, but he refused.”

The video then starts from the point where the activist asks him to leave but in retaliation, he snatches her phone and assassinates her because how dare she stopped him from occupying space(!)?


In the later scenes, it can be viewed that the male in conversation smacks her phone to the ground only to turn back to hit her, but people in the nearby come to stop him.

Even then, he satiates his vile appetite by hurling abuses towards the group of women and even threatening to spray their faces with acid for mere point scoring.


She then wrote about how this particular incident is something women aren’t oblivious of as it is something they must have encountered at least once in their lives.

While narrating the incident, Leena Ghani added that people (particularly men), who choose to stay silent on these occasions are as much a part of the problem as these harassers.

What do you think of this incident? Let us know in the comments.