21 Memes After Zawwar Ordered KFC For Dua & Her Family


Zawwar has been trending on Twitter since yesterday and many of you might be wondering who this dude is! Here’s here’s the story, guys!

On Sunday evening, a girl named Dua shared a picture of a KFC meal and a screenshot of a conversation with her friend, Zawwar.

In their chat, Dua told Zawwar that she was hungry and he ended-up ordering KFC not just for her but her entire family!

I can’t emphasize enough how I could use having a friend like Zawwar in my life too!


It’s not even been 24 hours since the post was shared and it has already taken the internet by storm.

Just look at the stats!


Also Read: Momina Dumped Her BF Because His Car Didn’t Have An AC. Twitter Exploded With Jokes!

Now that we’re all tired of eating ghar ka khana thanks to the pandemic, this story actually made a lot of people covetous!

1. Kiun kay yeh dil ka muamla hy

2. Someone please keep Dua’s dad away from social media for the next one week!

3. Don’t be like Bheem who gets laddos from Chutki and ends up with Indumati.

Be like Zawwar!

4. Who needs Foodpanda when you have a Zawwar in your life?!

5. Zawwar just set the benchmark really high for guys trying to woo girls!

6. O sheesh! Girlfriends everywhere are already comparing their guy with Zawwar!


7. Uhoh… that’s so heartbreaking!

8. Ain’t YouTube got no information!

9. Meanwhile, Zawwar to everybody intruding in his love life!

10. Because little did he know that he’ll be a celebrity one day!

11. Every girl tired of working in the kitchen during this whole lockdown situation.

12. Really curious about how Dua explained the KFC meal to her desi parents!

13. It is what it is my friend!

14. Zawwar’s reaction after getting calls from his friends.

15. Nvm, friends never let you be happy even if you’re an overnight celebrity now!

16. With friends like these…

17. Now, that’d be a real disappointment! Don’t friendzone the poor guy, Dua!

18. Whether it’s Money Heist or Zawwar; if there’s money there’s fame.

19. Pakistanis imaging how Zawwar actually looks like:


20. I mean who doesn’t enjoy being popular?!?!

21. But yeah this is where it must get really exhausting!

May we all be our own Zawwars!