You’re Meant To Be A Chef If You Can Name 8/10 Of These Spices Correctly

ahmed ali butt saba qamar spices name
Source: ARY Digital

Name these spices and at the end we’ll tell you whether you should try your luck as a chef or not!

Correct! Wrong!

Correct! Wrong!

Correct! Wrong!

Correct! Wrong!

Correct! Wrong!

carom seeds
Correct! Wrong!

Cumin Seed
Correct! Wrong!

Correct! Wrong!

Correct! Wrong!

Correct! Wrong!

You're Meant To Be A Chef If You Can Name 8/10 Of These Spices Correctly
You're Born To Be A Chef

food panda biryani shop tweet story

If you do not own a restaurant already, it's time to get into the business of cooking!
You cannot be a chef!

sanam jung cooking

You may love cooking but just don't think about pursuing it as a profession!
Stay away from kitchen!

shahveer jaffery mahira khan

Okay, if you cannot name even some of these spices correctly, dude then better stay away from the kitchen! Because otherwise, you might end up adding sugar instead of salt... :I

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