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Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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You’re Probably The Smartest In Your Class If You Can Get An 8/10 In This Random Knowledge Quiz


How can you tell how old a tree is?

Oak Tree Airbor Day Blog
Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following can’t be represented with a Roman numeral?

Roman Numerals Wallpaperflare
Correct! Wrong!

Which of these cities is not in England?

London - England Fodors Travel Guide
Correct! Wrong!

What are the two biggest countries by population?

Correct! Wrong!

Click on the acute angle.

Correct! Wrong!

How many seconds are in one day?

time zone IMGBIN
Correct! Wrong!

What two colors combine to make chartreuse?

Correct! Wrong!

Which vitamin is not found in eggs?

Correct! Wrong!

What year was the first iPhone released?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the first digit of pi?

Pi logo The Verge
Correct! Wrong!

You're Probably The Smartest In Your Class If You Can Get An 8/10 In This Random Knowledge Quiz

Leonardo Di Caprio Congratulations Meme

You Aced The Test. Good Job!
Great Work!

Morgan Freeman Clapping

You passed the test. You could do better, I believe in you.
You failed!

Patrick Booing/ Fail

You failed the test miserably. Please try again.