This Quiz Will Reveal If You’re More Like Minal Khan Or Iqra Aziz


This quiz will reveal if you’re like Minal Khan or Iqra Aziz based on the choices you make. Take Quiz to find out!!!

Choose a Pakistani City to visit

Pick your Favorite Food

french fries

Choose your favorite animal

Tell Us A Bunch Of Random Things About Yourself And We'll Guess What Your Favorite Dish Is

What do you like to do when you're free?

cool things AliExpress

What would you like to receive as a gift?


How would your friends describe you?

Choose a drink


Choose a dessert

icecream / foods containing iTFAs

Do you get excited a lot

How many friends do you have in your group?

toxic friends sajal ali zara noor abbas

This Quiz Will Reveal If You're More Like Minal Khan Or Iqra Aziz
Minal Khan

Minal khan

You're kind, sensitive, and creative!
Iqra Aziz

You're optimistic, restless, progressive, and adventurous!

Take Quiz: Rate These Pizza Toppings And We Will Reveal If You Are A Picky Eater Or Not