Only True “Raqs e Bismil” Fans Can Actually Name All 10 Of These Characters

Raqs e Bismul Quiz
Source: BizAsia

This drama quiz will test if you can identify these Raqs e Bismil characters. Do you think you have what it takes to pass this quiz.

Identify this character.

Zohra Raqs e Bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Identify this character.

Moosa raqs e bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Identify this character.

Momin Saqib Raqs e Bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Identify this character.

Laila raqs e bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Identify this character.

Sakina raqs e bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Identify this character.

khadija raqs e bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Identify this character.

malik raqs e bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Identify this character.

Murad Raqs e Bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Identify this character.

Saranga Raqs e Bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Identify this character.

Saeeda raqs e bismil
Correct! Wrong!

Only True "Raqs e Bismil" Fans Can Actually Name All 10 Of These Characters
You Failed!

Pakistani You Failed

Either you don't really like the show or you're not very perceptive. Most of these characters slipped by you when they were on screen, perhaps you should rewatch it.
You did well!


You're a fan! You're obviously a fan of the drama, but you've forgotten the names of a few characters that only appeared once or twice. Nothing that a rewatch can't fix!


You're a Raqs e Bismil expert! You are clearly a huge fan of the show and an expert at remembering names! Your friends would be very proud, they probably wouldn't show it, but they will still be proud!

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