The world is going through one of the worst pandemics in its history. Social-distancing is the key to stop the spread of the virus and people are going in self-isolation to avoid any human contact.
It goes without saying that social distancing can be extremely stressful – and BORING! So we decided to help you stay entertained while you’re on a mission to minimize human contact. Here are 26 things you can do to pass your time without feeling isolated!
1. Binge on your favorite TV show.
2. Read the books you’ve been holding out on.
3. Treat yourself with skin-care routines.
4. Watch really long movies like, ‘The Irishman.”
5. Start a journal or a blog.
6. Download ‘Duolingo’ or any other similar app and learn a new language.
7. Meditate and connect with your soul.
8. Look at pictures of puppies bonding with kittens.
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9. Learn calligraphy. YouTube can help.
10. Put on a soap opera, mute the sound and create your own dialogues.
11. Use Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangouts to video chat with your friends.
12. Try out at-home aerobics or yoga videos.
13. Coloring books: They’re not just for kids!
14. Write a short story or get started on that novel you’ve always wanted to write.
15. Actually try and fail at reproducing something you see on Pinterest.
16. Clear out the family room and camp indoors with your favourite blanket, popcorns and some scary movies.
17. Go through your camera roll and delete all that unnecessary stuff you’re holding onto.
18. Learn how to cook new recipes.
19. Make a list of things for which you are grateful.
20. Work on your financial planning.
21. Play some board-games with the family.
22. Dye your hair a new color. No one else needs to see it if you don’t like it.
23. Rearrange your furniture to make it seem like your home is a totally different space.
24. Bring out the Legos. Build a house inside of your house.
25. Increase your typing speed by taking an online course.
26. Sleep. Get lots of it.
What things do you do to pass time while being stuck at home? Share them in the comments below!