Cambridge Exams Postponed In Pakistan? Students Aren’t So Sure!

Cambridge exams postponed Pakistan

Late on Tuesday evening it was announced that Cambridge exams had been postponed in Pakistan.

The announcement came after the conclusion of a high level meeting chaired by the Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training, Shafqat Mahmood. The provincial ministers for education as well as senior education officials were also in attendance.

Ms. Uzma Yousaf, Head of Cambridge in Pakistan was also part of the meeting.

However, despite this announcement there seems to be a lot of confusion because Cambridge has not postponed its exams globally.

Cambridge examinations take place in two cycles annually. The first cycle begins in May and ends in June while the second cycle falls between October and November.

While Cambridge will abide by the government’s decision to not hold any examinations in Pakistan until 1 June, given the current Coronavirus situation, it is hard to ascertain if examinations for papers scheduled in June would be possible.

Cambridge exams postponed Pakistan

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The uncertain situation with regard to the postponed Cambridge exams in Pakistan has made way for a number of important questions.

Should students only prepare for the papers that will be falling in June? When will there be clarity on the June schedule? Will the entire exam schedule in Pakistan be shifted to fall? SHOULD the entire exam cycle be shifted to June?

But the anxiety among students is not just limited to the uncertain situation. Some students are plain unhappy with the postponement because they wanted to be done and over with the exams and relax for the rest of the year.

Poor them!

Given that Coronavirus is causing global havoc and is not an epidemic specific to Pakistan, the insistence on the part of Cambridge to go ahead with its planned Summer cycle begs the questions: WHY?????

And it’s not just Pakistanis who’re asking this question!

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