You’re Probably The Smartest Person In Your Friend Group If You Can Pass This Random Knowledge Quiz

Random Knowledge Quiz
Source: Think Stock Photos, Premiere League, YouTube & Pinterest

This random knowledge quiz will test how smart you are compared to your friends, lets see if you have what it takes to ace this quiz.

How many permanent teeth does a dog have?

Dog Teeth
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of Australia?

Perth - Australia
Correct! Wrong!

In which part of your body would you find the cruciate ligament?

Correct! Wrong!

What does MPEG stand for.

Correct! Wrong!

True or False? Vietnamese is an official language in Canada.

Correct! Wrong!

What is the smallest planet in our solar system?

Solar System
Correct! Wrong!

What element is denoted by the chemical symbol Sn in the periodic table?

Correct! Wrong!

Which year was the Premier League founded?

Premiere League
Correct! Wrong!

In what US State is the city Chicago?

USA Flag
Correct! Wrong!

Which country has the second-longest coastline?

Correct! Wrong!

You’re Probably The Smartest Person In Your Friend Group If You Can Pass This Random Knowledge Quiz
You Failed!

Bart Simpson Loser Meme

Oh, you flopped at this quiz? There's no need to be concerned, my buddy. You only failed this quiz because you know so much about one topic. You're a certified expert in other subjects, which were probably more interesting subjects than the ones on this quiz.
You did alright.


You have an average mind! Is your brain massive? No. That's a good thing since if your brain was huge, you wouldn't be able to wear caps and would be uncomfortable all summer! It would be a catastrophe!


There is absolutely nothing you don't know. You're smarter than Google. You were probably the one that gave Google all of its knowledge. If that's the case, acing this quiz was in your blood.

Take Quiz: This Random Knowledge Quiz Will Either Be Too Easy Or Straight Up Impossible!