You Are Part Of The 1% Elite, If You Can Name 7/10 Of These Capital Cities

Source: International Traveler/ Agoda/ Business Traveler/ Wikipedia/

Are you a part of the 1% elite? All you have to do is guess these capital cities. Solve this quiz to find out now!!!

What is the capital of Pakistan?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of China?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of Canada?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of France?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of Turkey?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of Hungary?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of Russia?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of Thailand?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of Afganistan?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

What is the capital of Germany?

Country Flags
Correct! Wrong!

You Are Part Of The 1% Elites, If You Can Guess 7/10 Of These Country's Capitals
You are an Elite

You are dumb, TRY AGAIN

OOHHHH!!! Close but not there. TRY AGAIN

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