Pick a dish.
Pick a dish.
Pick a dish.
Pick a dish.
Dessert Time!
Would you like some more desserts?
Would you like to have some ice cream? Pick a flavor.
Would you like another scoop?
Lastly, which naan will you be having?
Pick Some Dishes From A Buffet And We'll Guess Your Zodiac Sign Element
Air Sign
You got: Air Sign. You are optimistic, lover of freedom, hilarious, honest, and very smart. You like to take risks in life and live life to its fullest.
Fire Sign
You got: Fire Sign. You tend to be passionate and dynamic. You love opportunities that let your charismatic personality shine.
Earth Sign
You got: Earth Sign. You are practical, sensible, and loyal. You are known for being a perfectionist and single-minded in your pursuit of improvement.