This fun quiz will reveal if your crush likes or not, all you have to do is pick your favorite naan. Take this quiz to find out now.
Pick your favorite naan.
Pick your favorite naan.
Pick your favorite naan.
Pick your favorite naan.
Pick your favorite naan.
Pick your favorite naan.
The Types Of Naan You Choose Will Reveal If Your Crush Actually Likes You Or Not
Your crush likes you.
Your crush has a thing for you! When someone likes you, they want to spend time with you, and you two obviously enjoy each other's company.
Your crush does not like you.
Sorry, but your crush isn't interested in you. In fact, are they even aware that you exist? Your crush does not appear to be interested in a relationship with you, based on your naan preferences.
Your crush likes you but as a friend.
Your crush likes you, but most likely as a friend. But that doesn't mean you should give up. Give it some time, things might work out.
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