#SixWordHorrorStory: 10 Of The Funniest Reactions To This Viral Hashtag On Twitter!


You all must have experienced sleepless nights in a dark room where all your cousins were gathered for a sleepover and shared terrifying stories from their childhood, including paranormal experiences – after which no one could go back to sleep because all the stories were just so darn SCARY!

Twitter today is exploding with stories that might actually make your childhood scary-story-sessions seem like an episode from a sitcom. And these absolutely chilly stories are just six words long!

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People are using the hashtag #SixWordHorrorStory to narrate real and make-belief experiences that will positively give you the chills – or in some cases make you laugh insanely!

We’ll share them here for you but beware – you will get goosebumps!

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And just in case these stories don’t scare you, we’re quite certain that you are most-likely a zombie, vampire, werewolf or ghost yourself! If you are unaware of being one of the un-dead, seek medical attention immediately! *WINK*

We surely trust that the tea was fantastic!

How can you forget charging your PHONE?! Every millennial will be spooked out by this story for sure!

It’s always horrifying when your phone battery dies on you at the wrong time!

Mother of all horrors: When your mom starts tagging you in every bad picture that was ever taken of you!

This horror story actually begins after intermediate!

We’re sorry Bilawal but this was just too funny to pass!

Shortest horror story with the longest impact! YES, rejection in any way is horrifying but try not to take it to your heart!


You have to be a Star Wars buff to understand what this guy is horrified about!

And finally, this last #SixWordHorrorStory might not be funny but it is definitely points out a horrifying threat to our planet!