25 Of The Funniest Wordle Puzzle Tweets To Catch You Up On The Twitter Trend

Wordle Puzzle

So, the news is that Wordle Puzzle has been launched in the market. If you are wondering what this thing is, then let me tell you that it is a word-guessing game in which you have to guess the solution with just a limited number of tries at hand.

The trend has caught on like wildfire with Pakistani as well as international Twitter users dearly hooked!

Read: If You Missed The #AskShadab Session On Twitter, These Tweets Will Catch You Up!

Every day on Twitter you see little recaps with green and yellow squares. The saturation of the Wordle Puzzle can be extremely annoying so I decided to make up a collection of 25 funny tweets to cheer you up!

Hum aap kay dukh main brabar kay shareeq hain!!!

Solving the wordle puzzle has made me a philosopher!


Yes! Yes, it is!


Ummm…yeah…let’s not talk about this…🙈

Lonely me surrounded by wordle.

The meray-ko-sab-pata-hai wali qoum!

Wordle! Wordle! Everywhere!

I am a PROOOOO!!!!

Clearly, there are side effects!

That’s basically my friends and I waiting for the new Wordle Puzzle to drop!

Please don’t judge me!

That moment of disgrace!

Daya!!! Kuch to garbar hai!

Yeah, let’s talk about this! What are these non-sensical hints about?

We’ve all been there…

Oh, the addiction! Ahh, the addiction!

Google bhi Wordle kay rang main rang gaya!

Ummmmm…sounds familiar?

Flirting in Wordle style! 😉