10 Gift Ideas For Newly Weds This Wedding Season If You’re On A Budget!

Wedding Gift Ideas sajal ali
Source IBTimes India

In other countries, this is that time of the year when people start to hear jingle bells while all that Pakistanis get to hear are wedding bells. As soon as, we enter the winter season our homes are flooded with wedding invitations and as much as someone might love to attend the extravagant functions it is the bane of one’s life to come up with gift ideas for the couple.

Does this gift search has you worn to a frazzle too? Don’t worry!

Read: Wondering What To Gift Your Dad? Here Are 11 Gift Ideas For Father’s Day!

We’ve come up with a list of 10 gift ideas this wedding season if you’re on a budget!

1. Photo Frame

It is always a pleasure to go down the memory lane and relive the moment that was special in the past. Grab some of your special pictures with the couple, make a collage, get it framed and ta-da you’re all set to attend the wedding.  


2. Seeds for their Kitchen Garden

Who doesn’t like some green plants around. So, here’s a video to help you grow a plant and gift it to your loved ones!

3. A customized journal

There are some precious moments that need to be captured as a couple is about to enter in a new phase of their life. Hence, a journal is most definitely what they need. So, go to the nearest stationary shop, buy a simple journal and to make it special for the couple, take a print of their picture and paste it on the cover of it.

Just in case you want to make it a little more phenomenal, make different sections in the journal to help them organize their thoughts.


4. An Air Purifier

Source: Winix

You know the worth of an air purifier especially if you belong to an area that has been hit by smog. Air purifiers then keep your home’s clean by removing harmful particles from air.

So, go ahead and buy the couple one. Here is a link to air purifiers starting as low as Rs. 500.

Read: Lahore Smog Can Cause Brain Cancer & There’s Research Backing This Claim!

5. A Cookbook

Only a few weeks into a wedding; most couples feel they have had enough of family Dawats. Hence, they start craving for home-cooked meal.

So, gift them a cookbook that would serve as a relief if the couple finds themselves in any such situation.


6. Vouchers

Source: Woodforde’s Brewery

Newly weds love to spend time together while going out to different places especially, those that are light on their pocket.

Bogo offers you a bundle of buy-one-get-one vouchers for restaurants, spas, salons, gyms, photography, travel, shopping and many more!

Head over this link to buy your friend a wedding gift.

7. Paintings and Pieces of Art

Truck art
Source: Dawn

Ever stopped and looked at the vendors selling paintings on the roadside? If no then now is the time that you dig a little deeper. Trust us, you’ll find some amazing stuff lying on the footpath at that too at a very reasonable price.

8. A Gift Basket

If you’re still wondering and seem to be lost, just go grab a basket, decide a budget and enter any retail store that has cute stuff. Fill the basket with all the things that you can manage to buy. Wrap it up with a transparent plastic sheet and your gift is ready to be delivered.


9. Crockery

Source: IndiaMart

One is always in need of pretty crockery and thanks to all these supermarkets that have a variety to offer. The pretty crystal crockery is available in every price range so you don’t have to worry about the money.

10. Books

Books are a person’s best friend and hence, here they are again to your rescue. Head to an old book shop or a roadside stall and find books that are in good condition. Now wrap them with fancy paper and guess what? Your gift is all ready to be delivered!


Do you have some more wedding gift ideas? Tell us below in comments!