Flaming Hot Cheetos
Shezan Mango Juice
GOGO Pan Masala
Magic Pop
Top Pops
Novita Wafers
ABC Jelly
Gol Gappay
Rate These Junk Foods & We’ll Predict Your Age With 90% Accuracy
11-15 years
Just give you any kind of junk food and you'll be over the moon. You love eating junk food as breakfast, lunch, dinner and at any time when you feel hungry because why not?
16-24 years old
You just can't function without munching on your favorite junk food every hour. You're the kind of person who has a special secret place to store your snacks.
25-29 years old
You just can't stop yourself from munching your favs every now and then, but you're old enough to know that too much of a yum thing isn't actually healthy. You're learning to balance it out.
You're in your 30s!
It's hard for you to grasp the fact that you're not young anymore but you do your best to make healthy eating choices to stay fit.
You're in your 40s
You just miss the snacks from your childhood and don't find the delight in the snacks available in the market these days.
You're 50+
You're the person who believes that junk food is trash and made out of plastic.
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