Pick a food for Iftar.
Pick a food for Iftar.
Pick a soup for Iftar.
Pick a dessert for Iftar.
Pick another dessert for Iftar.
Pick a drink for Iftar.
Pick another drink for Iftar.
Eat Your Way Through Iftar & We’ll Tell You What Sort Of A Rozaydar Are You
The cranky rozaydaar
Everything makes you mad until you finally hear Maghrib ki Azan and take that first sip of chai! Part of imaan is to show patience. So, be a good musalmaan and stop throwing shade all day!
The excited-to-be-alive-for-another-Ramazan rozaydar
You just can't wait to fast another day! You're a great motivation for others around you to fast as well. The world can certainly use more rozaydaars like you!
The forever sleepy & lazy rozaydaar
How are you doing this test? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping? Oh you fell asleep again!