Do You Think Your Head is Giant Enough To Answer All These Extremely Difficult Questions?

Giant Heads Quiz
Source: GIPHY, Unsplash

Do you think your head has what it takes to ace this extremely difficult quiz? Is your head giant? Find out now by taking this quiz.

Oil, natural gas and coal are examples of…?

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What is the main cause of seasons on the Earth?

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What island do lemurs come from?

Lemurs Photo by Diana Parkhouse on Unsplash
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What is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea?

Caribbean Sea Photo by Stephan van de Schootbrugge on Unsplash
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How many soccer players should each team have on the field at the start of each match?

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What’s the shortcut for the “copy” function on windows computers?

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What is often seen as the smallest unit of memory?

Floppy Disk Photo by Fredy Jacob on Unsplash
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What country won the very first FIFA World Cup in 1930?

Fifa World Cup Photo by Fauzan Saari on Unsplash
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What part of the atom has no electric charge?

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Correct! Wrong!

Do You Think Your Head is Giant Enough To Answer All These Extremely Difficult Questions?

Giant head

Your head is GIANT. How do you walk through doors with that giant brain of yours? Keep up the great work.

Big Head Statue

Your head is pretty big but not GIANT. Give this quiz a few more tries to see if it makes a difference!
You Failed!

Game Over

Your head is not giant at all. You need to put some knowledge in that brain so that it can get bigger and smarter. Try Again!

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