Do You Think These Amazing Facts About Pakistan Are True Or False?

True False Pakistan Quiz
Source: Global Times, ARCGIS, CSS Times & The Express Tribune

This Pakistan true or false quiz will test if you know Pakistan well enough. Do you think you can get these Pakistani facts right or not.

Pakistan’s Khewra Salt Mine is one of the oldest in the world.

Khewra Salt Mine
Correct! Wrong!

Pakistan’s national fruit is the watermelon.

Correct! Wrong!

Pakistan has one of the largest irrigation systems in the world.

Pakistan Irrigation System
Correct! Wrong!

Pakistan was the first Islamic country to become a nuclear power.

Pakistan Nuclear Power
Correct! Wrong!

The name “Pakistan” translates to “land of the rich.”

Pakistan Flag
Correct! Wrong!

The peak K-2 is the highest in the world.

K2 mountain
Correct! Wrong!

Pakistan has one of the world’s largest broadband internet systems.

Pakistan Internet System
Correct! Wrong!

Gwadar is the world’s third largest deep sea port.

Gwadar Port
Correct! Wrong!

Islamabad is Pakistan’s largest city.

Correct! Wrong!

Pakistan is the birthplace of one of the oldest civilizations.

Indus Valley Civilization
Correct! Wrong!

Do You Think These Amazing Facts About Pakistan Are True Or False?
You failed!

Game Over

It's OK! There are a lot of cool facts about Pakistan, and it was a very challenging trivia quiz. I hope you learned a bunch of random facts about Pakistan and that you have better luck next time!
You did alright.


Nice! You missed on a couple of questions, but overall, you have a good amount of knowledge relating to facts about Pakistan! You even got a few of the super random questions right, so good for you!


Woohoo! You have a good amount of knowledge related to the facts about Pakistan. You earned a gold star in my book!

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